I am pleased to announce that Mono C# compiler (gmcs) has now full C# 3.0 support. Most of the features has been available since Mono 1.2.6 release. However, with the upcoming Mono 2.0 release we will also support complex LINQ expressions and mainly
expression trees which is fairly overlooked new feature with a lot of potential.
For anyone interested in compiling and running
this LukeH's slightly extreme LINQ example I have good news. It compiles on Mono and it runs as fast as on .NET.
it's so great!
all of you are great!
Agreed, keep it up guys! Fantastic!
This is excellent news. LINQ in Mono is going to be a very good thing.
Actualy I was left dissapointed after compiling with mono. Timer throws an exception after accessing Systems.Timers.Timer.Enable about one time per 50ms for 3-4 seconds.
Although the idea open sourcing .NET is greate the implementation is not always that good
To sergej
Until you report your issue to http://www.mono-project.com/Bugs there is not much we can do about it.
Nice. I'll start hammering on it with my Mac and see if i can break it. Good job! No WPF yet?
It's a good news, i am c# user and i am using it for three years. It's very easy to work on this platform.
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